Version 8.83, last page update: 1 Oct 2024

Russian (windows-1251)

[Hiew]   [HEM]   [Recordman]   [Calculator]   [Dexem]   [Edump]   [Ldump]   [Dila]   [AdbConsole]   [DiffMapSimply]

[blog (in russian)]


The information for illegal users: You use 'cracked' versions of the Hiew at your own risk.

Features of release VIII:

  • view and edit files of any length in text, hex, and decode modes
  • x86-64 disassembler & assembler (AVX instructions include)
  • physical & logical drive view & edit
  • support for NE, LE, LX, PE/PE32+, ELF/ELF64(little-endian), Mach-O(little-endian), TE/TE64 executable formats
  • support for Netware Loadable Modules like NLM, DSK, LAN,...
  • following direct call/jmp instructions in any executable file with one touch
  • pattern search in disassembler
  • built-in simple 64bit decrypt/crypt system
  • built-in powerful 64bit calculator
  • block operations: read, write, fill, copy, move, insert, delete, crypt
  • multifile search and replace
  • keyboard macros
  • unicode/utf8 support
  • Hiew Extrenal Module (HEM) support
  • ArmV6 disassembler

Limitations of DEMO version:

  • support PE 32bit files with restrictions
  • no assembler
  • no 64bit disassembler
  • no ARM disassembler
  • no logical & physical drive support
  • no crypt
  • no ini-file
  • no sav-file
  • no keyboard macros
  • no store/load names
  • no Hiew External Module (HEM) support
  • no presents many useful features

Download DEMO version:

  • Hiew32 Demo (~160Kb Win32)
  • Download CahUnlock:

  • CahUnlock 3.10(~13Kb)
  • Download HEM SDK:

  • HEM SDK 0.53(~82Kb)
    - added: HEM_FLAG_TE64
  • Additional download:


    - with windows-1250 table


    - it allows creating (with the PrtBlk) printable dumps.
    - add to hiew.xlt: copy/b hiew.xlt+ascii_printable_xlt

    hiew 6.50 (dos)(~110Kb)

    - free old dos version

    - Hiew Shell Extension Script 1.5 GUI (old cmd-version inside zip)

    Online help:

    Hiew Documentation Project (in english)

    Video tutorials:

  • HIEW hexadecimal editor and disassembler tutorial series HD (in english)
  • Working with Hiew - Part 1: Viewing and editing executable headers (in english)
  • Three Scenarios for Hiew using by Tavis Ormandy:

    Three Scenarios for Hiew using (in english)

    Primary registration:

  • $25 - Single version, no updates, no discounts
  • $49 - Free 1-year updates
  • $199 - Free lifetime updates
  • Second registration after 1-year:

  • Free updates for next 2-years
  • 15% discount for lifetime extend
  • Ask for more
  • Registration in Russia:

  • See on russian page

  • Hiew history:

    8.83 (30 Sep 24)
    - fix(8.82): clipboard insert for F5 .xxxx is not valid
    - fix: wry dump for two-bytes codepages
    - calculator: #[bwdq] as big-endian
    8.82 (19 Jul 24)
    - prefix 0x in clipboard insert is ignore when editing numbers
    - fix: asm pattern can miss lines with comments
    8.81 (13 Mar 24)
    - inifile.tabSize
    - fix: hem info out frame
    - fix(lost in time): '*xxxx' find failed
    - minimal HEM_FLAG_FILEMASK (since HEM SDK 0.50) for all exes
    - Shift-Ctrl-Alt: scale at 1
    8.80 (30 Nov 23)
    - Xor blocks @ get/put


    It is not a one more hex viewer, it is my C++/MFC training only.

    (Invisible) Features:

    Version 0.37 (14 Apr 2009)
    - Fast find down/up with anychar
    - Replace with anychar
    - Manual edit
    - Insert bytes/records
    - Read-only mode toggle
    - Tooltip for offset
    - MDI toolbar
    - Syncrone scrolling
    - Show in OEM codepage
    Version 0.25 (18 Jul 2008)
    - Global options dialog
    - Marker operation (copy,clip,paste,delete)
    - New file support
    - Some bugs fixed
    Version 0.10 (3 Dec 2007)
    - First public beta (~106Kb, standart mfc42.dll needing)

    SEN's Calculator

    SenCalc is integer arithmetic calculator with brackets and operations priority. (~20Kb)

    Version 1.10
    - FIX: crash on divide overflow
    - Clipboard copy from results fields by dblclick

    DualEXE Manipulator

    Dexem is a command-line utility for split or join dual-executable files. (~20Kb)

    Executable files dumper

    Edump is a command-line utility for detail dump of executable files.
    Supports: NE, LX/LE, PE/PE32+, ELF/ELF64 (little-endian), Mach-O (little-endian), TE (~60Kb)

    Version 1.90
    - TE support
    Version 1.83
    - Mach-O support
    Version 1.62
    - ELF64 support

    Library files dumper

    Ldump is a command-line utility for detail dump of library/object files.
    Support: Coff and Omf (~35Kb)

    Version 1.12
    - FIX: Undo (1.11) Coff: check machine value
    Version 1.11
    - Coff: no check machine value
    - Coff: added short import library format


    Disassembler of lengths for advanced (but laazzzyyyy) users.
    Know ia32 16/32/64-bits instruction, include x87 and sse.
    No used any rtl- or api-functions and globals variables.
    For usage see dila.h inside
    Free for non-commercial use

    dila 32bits (~4Kb)
    dila 64bits (~4Kb)

    Version 1.21
    - know RDRAND, RDSEED


    AdbConsole - for old and lazy
    Old: who was born before "Start" button and still not afraid of console.
    but already lazy to type 20-40 symbols in it.

    The console for adb.exe helps lazy:
    * not to type "adb" each time;
    * double click brings the word under cursor to the console;
    * console has 4Mb cyclic buffer (why not?);
    * forward/reverse search in the buffer;
    * execution of batch of commands;
    * "shell" and "pm" modes (no need to type "adb shell [pm]" in front of commands);

    Adb.exe must be available by PATH environment. (~92Kb)


    DiffMapSimply - visual compare two files (~86Kb)

    Eugene Suslikov (